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Reusable Fashion Bags PET

Inspired by responsibility recycled PET fabric

Plastic wastage is a burning issue in environmental pollution. It has direct impact on climate change, ecosystem degradation and social well-being. We, at Ecocharme, are doing our part to lessen the waste. CycloPET fabric is made by crushing the plastic and melting PET bottles into yarns and weaving them in the fabric.

Know the story

• Plastic pollution is one of the major environmental hazard currently.
• Although there are many projects worldwide involving recycling of plastic bottles, still only around 7% of global waste plastic is recycled every year.
• This fabric is made from 100% recycled nylon yarn, and has a water based PU coating on the backside to make this fabric water resistant. Water based PU does not contribute much to global warming as acrylic based PU does.
• The major raw materials is collected from and the fabric is absolutely manufactured in India.
• Unlike many western countries, India’s garbage management system is not very organized, so many slum dwellers collect PET bottles from landfills and sell them to agencies or companies who work in recycled PET projects.
• Every 1 mtr. of this fabric saves around 35 PET bottles from ending up as landfills.