• India’s leather industry is a by-product of meat industry. India is the 4th highest exporter of beef meat in the
world and has huge domestic consumption as well (5th in the world).
• Kolkata has been a historical hub for leather industry – both the hides and products made from them,
creating job opportunities for thousands.
• Vegetable tanning is a very old procedure of tanning leather and one of the most eco friendly way to treat a
• Raw hides are treated with natural tannins from organic sources such as tree barks. Hence has a rich and
natural feel.
• As usage of chemical and heavy metal is very limited, so the leather is very
sustainable and much less harmful to environment.
• Because of the natural processing, making this leather is quite time-taking as
opposed to regular chromium treated leather which is prepared fast.
• Veg tan leather has it’s own earthly aroma and rich patina which improves over
• Products made from this leather will have natural marks, spots and features of
the original hide – and that is the beauty of it