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Gorgeous corks bags

Cork Fabric

Cork is widely known to be used as bottle stoppers of alcoholic beverage. But is also widely used in construction industry and space industry because of its variety of features – impermeability, elastic, light weight and insulation. And in recent times cork has come up as great fashion material for it’s natural aesthetic look. Cork does not emit any harmful chemicals, it is 100% biodegradable and recyclable.

Know the story

• Cork is often dubbed as “Vegan Leather”, and is very popular for it’s various eco-friendly and sustainable feature.
• Cork is predominantly used to make bottle stoppers for alcoholic beverages. But there are other industries which are increasingly using cork, ripping the benefits. Fashion industry is not trailing behind either.
• Cork slices are laminated onto a fabric backing. A layer of adhesive is applied to the fabric, and the cork slices are carefully arranged and pressed onto the adhesive, forming a composite material. It is then pressurized with hydraulics to bond the cork and fabric.
• Cork is extremely sustainable, as the trees are not harmed from the process of extracting the bark.
• It is very lightweight, water resistant and durable.
• Cork fabric has natural texture and unique appearance, adding an aesthetic appeal to any products made from cork – may it be casual or elegant.